Thursday, August 30, 2007

A Black Hero In Westminister

Yesterday watching CNN made my day i was glad Mandela got his recognition in Britain can you beat the huge bronze statute of the African Hero facing the palace in Westminister.
Watching him make a speech was a great feeling which i guess words can not explain.He just turned 86 in july not bad at least life was not wasted in South African prison.His words....
"Some years ago he was in Britain with a friend and he said he was waitng for the day a black
statute will be erected in britain"
Bold the day is here! 29th of August when the statute was unveiled.
I had butterflies in my tummy oh my gawd i thot that was so so cool!
Long live the Queen!
Long live the hero Mandela!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Generally you never know life is full of surprises i think the best philosophy
is taking life as it comes this no doubt makes u a beta person.